Welcome to the Simpson & Simpson, CPAs Tax Center!
This tax center is provided as a courtesy to our clientele as a means to provide access to the latest tax forms and publications, to obtain information for tax submission deadlines, and to gain insight and knowledge regarding updates to tax laws, regulations, and more.
If additional assistance is needed in navigating and utilizing the tax center, please contact us.
S & S, CPAs Tax Center

​Tax rates change every year. Take a look at this year's tax rates.,
​Please note the following tax due dates on your calendar, and come back often to keep up with the changes.
​​Find out when you're receive your federal and state refund.
State Tax Forms
​Quickly print the tax forms you nee from any State in the country.
Use this guide to determine how long you need to keep your tax and other financial records.
​​Quickly view and print any IRS tax form or publication. Saves a trip to the post office.
Marginal & Effective
Tax Rates Calculator
Knowing your income tax rate can help you calculate your tax liablility for unexpected income.
1040 Tax Calculator
​​How much tax will you pay this year? Will you get a refund? Enter your filiing status, income, deductions, and credits to estimate your total taxes for the year.


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