Melba Simpson, CPA
A Magna Cum Laude graduate from California State University, Long Beach, Melba has been a CPA since 1978. ​She has acquired over 33 years of extensive experience in conducting audits and providing management consulting services focusing on the government and non-profit sectors. At the beginning of her career, Melba worked with Arthur Young & Company as a Senior Auditor, and then served as a controller for Black Bull music. She gained further financial accounting experience as the Director of Finance for Crenshaw Christian Center prior to joining Simpson & Simpson, CPAs in 1988.
With powerful leadership skills, Melba has supervised numerous audits performed under Government Audting Standards and OMB Circular A-133. Her strong work ethic has also afforded her the opportunity to serve as Partner on annual financial and compliance audits of the Los Angeles Unified School District, City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, City of Port Hueneme, and Los Angeles County Community Health Plan.
In addition, Melba's experience in the audit of pensions plans provided her the privilege to lend her expertise in the capacity of Quality Review Partner on engagements including but not limited to the following:
City of Los Angeles Department of Fire and Police Pensions System,
Department of Water and Power Penison, and
Southern California Edison Employee Benefit Plans.
Melba has taught accounting classes at California State University at Los Angeles, and she is an active member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), California Society of CPAs, and Governmental Finance Officers Associations of the United States and Cananda.
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